Why do dogs eat grass?

Sometimes an old wives tale is true. Most vets agree that eating grass helps relieve upset stomachs and other gut symptoms. Some dogs, however, seem to simply enjoy the taste especially from early, green moist growth.

Do dogs dream?

Yes, dogs dream. Research with EEG scanning conducting while dogs slept support dream activity. If you watch your dog closely, you will notice that they occasionally move their legs as if running, whine, whimper, or even bark, breathe heavily, and have normal rapid eye movements during dream sleep.

Why do dogs howl?

A howl is a nonspecific form of communication behavior. Howls happen with stress or territorial issues. Howling can also simply be a fun activity they do together. Swing by Aspen Grove Doggie Day Care when a train goes by and you’ll see 40 dogs all howling in unison!

Why do dogs have whiskers?

Whiskers are modified sensory organs, mostly tactile in function. Touch, air, and vibration stimulate whiskers and send that message to the brain. This likely helps with low light movements during running and hunting. Whiskers are also known to help dogs communicate fear or confidence during encounters with other dogs.

Why do dogs chase their tails?

Some tail chasing can be normal play or grooming behavior. It can also be a response to an injury. Consistent tail chasing, however, is abnormal and can fall into behavioral concerns of attention-seeking activity or OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). These abnormal behaviors are likely reinforced by an endorphin release causing a pleasure response in the brain.

How to you clean a dog’s ears?

It is important to remember that excessive ear cleaning can be damaging to the ear canal. Never use Q-tips or any instruments into the ear canal.

  • Apply cleanser to ear liberally.
  • Massage solution into ear canal by gently massaging the base of the ear.
  • With a cotton ball over your fingertip, wipe the accessible portion of the ear clean. Let your dog shake out any excess fluid and debris.
  • Clean base of the ear with a dry cotton ball.
  • Repeat if necessary.

Why are dogs’ noses wet?

A dog’s sense of smell is one of their most remarkable features, and a dog’s wet nose helps to amplify this sense of smell. By excreting a thin layer of mucous across their nose, dogs are able to better absorb the scents they encounter in their environment. Once absorbed into the mucus, a dog can then lick their nose to remove the scent and bring it to the olfactory glands on the roof of their mouths. In addition to amplifying a dog’s sense of smell, a wet nose also helps them to regulate their body temperature. Because dogs lack normal sweat glands throughout their body, they instead rely on secretion of sweat through the pads of their feet and their nose to help cool down.

How do you stop dogs from digging?

Some dogs dig instinctively and when they develop a habit of digging it can be very challenging to train them out of it.  When you first start the process of breaking the digging habit, make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise and is never left unattended in the yard for any reason. Invest in a kennel to keep your dog in when you are away from the house. Ensure the kennel is the proper size for your dog. They should be able to stand up and comfortably turn around in it.

Designate a place for your dog to dig, such as a sand box. To attract your dog to the designated area, regularly toss and bury some milk bones (or other treats!) in sand as this will encourage them to dig.  When your dog digs anywhere else immediately tell them “no” sternly and redirect to the sandbox.  It is extremely important to catch your dog EVERY TIME they try and dig outside the sandbox and redirect them to where they are allowed to dig.

Go out of your way to praise your dog and make sure they know you are proud of them when they DO dig in the sandbox on their own, or when you encourage them.

How do you introduce dogs to … (cats, babies, each other, etc.)?

Introducing a dog to babies, kids, cats, other dogs, or any other living being for the first time to is very important to do with care. Some dogs are sensitive to new ideas or objects more than other dogs.  For the introduction:

  • Take special care to control the environment. Make the room quiet and calming with no distractions (loud music, extra people, etc.)
  • Have lots of yummy treats on hand. Start out by giving your dog treats a long distance away from the object (baby, cat, etc.) you are trying to introduce. At this point you should have your dog’s undivided attention.
  • If your dog does not look stressed or tense and is easily listening to your commands, move closer to the object
  • If your dog is very relaxed, calm, and under verbal control continue moving forward slowly. Have your dog check in with you every few steps to get a treat. Praise them and talk calmly while doing so.
  • Any time your dog appears stressed (tense muscles, stiff body, raised hackles, etc.) back up. Do not encourage your dog to move closer. Contact a professional trainer to handle the introduction.

Why do dogs bury bones?

This behavior is less about playtime and more about instinct. Before becoming domesticated, wild dogs would roam their territories in search of food and water. Because meals were unpredictable and often scarce, times when food was in surplus resulted in a need to guard and bury excess supplies. This tactic not only warded off scavengers but would also naturally preserve and age the meal by keeping it in a cool location away from sunlight.